Monday, February 10, 2014


On my way home from school today I was walking with my friend Josh when I saw a purple pencil on the sidewalk.  It was almost brand new, it had not even been sharpened yet.  I didn't think much of it when I put it in my backpack, in fact I forgot all about it until I started doing my homework.

Mom always makes me do my homework before dinner so that I don't have to stay up late on a school night.  Today was a particularly big day of homework, I had a lot of math problems to do and I'm really not very good at math.  I'm not sure why, math just doesn't make sense to me.

After a quick snack I pulled my math book and a pencil out of my backpack.  Then I remembered about the purple pencil I found on my way home and decided I would sharpen it and use it to do my homework.  I laughed to myself, maybe a new pencil will help me do my math problems faster.  Of course I knew better.

I started working on the first problem and something really strange happened.  I'm not sure how but I was able to do the math problem with no trouble at all.  It was like I didn't even have to think about it, I just put my pencil on the paper and I started solving the problem.  I checked my answer in the back of the book to make sure it was right, and to my surprise it was exactly right.  Now how did I do that??  Could it be the pencil I found had some magical powers?

I didn't really believe in magic, I mean I've seen magicians do tricks but then I found out that its more of a trick than magic.  Once a magician shows you how he does a magic trick, it's really not that magical any more.

Anyway, I kept working on my math and within 15 minutes I had completed all the problems assigned and all of the answers came out correct!!!!   That was a breeze and the best part was I had time to go play before dinner.

I called Josh and we decided to play basketball over at his house.  Josh only lived across the street so usually when our homework was done we would play basketball or ride our bikes.  I told Josh how my math was so easy with my new pencil and he laughed.  "I doubt a purple pencil made you smarter!!!  Maybe you just finally figured out that math isn't that hard."  Josh always had an easy time with math, so for him it was hard to understand how anyone couldn't understand how to solve a simple math problem.

The next morning I was eating breakfast with my dad and he was trying to do a crossword puzzle.  I told him about my magic pencil and asked if he needed any help solving the puzzle.  He joked, "Ya Chase, grab your pencil and maybe you can answer the rest of these that your dad can't figure out."   I reached in my backpack, grabbed the pencil and to every one's surprise I started writing words to fill in the puzzle.  "How did you do that?" My mom shouted.  "I always knew you were smart but even your dad can't figure out those answers!!!"

Maybe my pencil really was magic!!!!  Maybe I would never have to study again, I would just touch the pencil to the paper and the answers to everything would just come out!!!!!!!  Who knows what else I could do with the magic pencil.   I could hardly wait to get to school and see how it worked with my other classes.

My first class was English and we had a spelling test, it was actually a surprise test.  A big surprise test.  I thought to myself, what a perfect time to test the magic pencil.  Mrs Leonard began saying words to write down and spell correctly.  There were 20 words and I had never heard any of  those words before.  It was like she was speaking a foreign language.  I put my magic pencil down after she gave us the word, and just like that I started writing letters.  I wasn't sure they were correct but we graded the test in class and just as I had hoped I got 100%.

I can't believe this pencil.  This is amazing!!!  As long as I have this pencil I will be the smartest person in the world.  I can solve any problem, ace any test and probably do whatever I want in life.  Maybe I'll try to invent something or solve some crazy physics problem that nobody can solve.  I'll get a Nobel prize, I'll meet the president, heck I might even be the president some day.

As the school year went on I realized that every time I sharpened the pencil it became smaller and smaller.  It was down to about a quarter of the original size and I knew that it wouldn't be long before the pencil would be all used up and I wouldn't have magic powers any longer.  What would I do?

I thought about it and decided that I would save the pencil for something really important, only use it for emergencies like when I couldn't figure out the answer to a problem on my own.  Unfortunately that didn't last long, within a couple weeks I was down to the very end of the pencil  One more sharpening and it would be all gone.  The magic pencil was about to leave me forever, and I would go back to just being a regular kid without magic powers.  Worst of all I would have to work really hard at school again and do all of my homework on my own.  In some ways I wish I had never found the magic pencil, it kind of made me lazy.  I didn't have to think any longer or study, or learn new things.  the pencil just did everything for me.

The next day I was on my own, no magic pencil, no magic powers, just me, Chase Brown and a whole bunch of math problems.  I didn't get every problem right, and I didn't get an A on my tests that day, but I did all  the work by myself and I learned more in one day than I had the last month with my magic pencil.  I guess if I learned anything, it is that doing the work yourself makes you feel good about yourself and good about accomplishing something.

It was fun while it lasted, but I'm kind of glad to be back to just being a normal kid again, even if it means I don't get straight A's or have the ability to solve any problem in the world.